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Project Cars 2 Steam Deck

Project CARS 2: An Amazing Racing Experience on Steam Deck

High-FPS Gameplay

Project CARS 2 delivers a stunning 60 FPS gameplay experience on the Steam Deck, making it one of the best racing games available for the handheld console. Whether you're a seasoned racer or a casual player, you'll appreciate the smooth and responsive performance.

Impressive Graphics

The game's graphics are simply stunning on the Steam Deck's vibrant display. From the detailed car models to the realistic tracks, Project CARS 2 immerses you in a world of high-octane racing. The attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the game, from the car physics to the environmental effects.

Compatible with Proton and SteamOS

Project CARS 2 is fully compatible with Proton and SteamOS, making it easy to install and play on the Steam Deck. The game runs smoothly and reliably, ensuring a hassle-free gaming experience. Whether you're using a controller or the Steam Deck's touch controls, you'll have a blast behind the wheel.

Immersive Career Mode

Project CARS 2's extensive career mode offers a deep and rewarding racing experience. You'll start from the bottom and work your way up through the ranks, competing in a variety of different racing disciplines. Along the way, you'll earn money and experience to upgrade your car and unlock new events.

Challenging AI

The AI in Project CARS 2 is one of its strongest features. The opponents are smart and aggressive, providing a challenging but fair racing experience. You'll need to use all of your skills to stay ahead of the competition and achieve victory.


If you're looking for an amazing racing game to play on your Steam Deck, look no further than Project CARS 2. Its stunning graphics, high-FPS gameplay, extensive career mode, and challenging AI make it one of the best racing experiences available today.
